There are some super simple trick that you can use when you take the family camping that makes the whole experience a little easier and a whole lot more fun.
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An old coffee can keeps the toilet paper dry and handy
Whether you are completely roughing it or in a campground, it is always advisable to bring along your own toilet paper. I’ve been in plenty of campground bathrooms either didn’t have toilet paper or had that really awesome single-ply toilet paper that melts if you get it the least bit wet.
An old plastic coffee can and some rope make an easy to carry and convenient toilet paper holder that will keep the paper dry and within reach!
As easy recycling projects go, this is right at the top. You likely have a 6-pack holder hanging around or else use it as an excuse to empty one. This way you can keep the utensils at hand, the red solo cups and markers for writing names on them all organized, and keep the napkins from blowing away.
Tissue paper box bag holder
Old plastic grocery sacks come in handy in a myriad of ways when you are camping. From acting as boot liners to keep feet dry, to bagging up garbage, they are handy and get a second use out of them. So until they completely ban them, you should always take some along. A handy way to keep them organized and not blowing around is to stuff them into a used tissue paper box.
If you are handy with a sewing machine and have some old towels that are pushing the end of their lifespan, you can sew up some pouches for soap. Personally, I like attaching a loop of rope to them. No ‘soap on a rope’ jokes, please. This way the soap isn’t slippery and does a better job of getting the dirt off.
If you suck at sewing or just don’t have the patience, you can get soap saver bags on Amazon that work about the same.
Line your tent floor with soft foam tiles
The ground is not forgiving and even if you are using sleeping pads under your beds, having some padding on the floor in your tent makes moving around in it, so much more comfortable. If you are tired of kneeling down on a rock while you are digging in your pack for something, then interlocking foam floor tiles are the thing for your tent. Is it verging on glamping? Sure, but who cares, they are awesome!
How do you take eggs camping and not deal with them breaking? You break them ahead of time and put them in a bottle. You can even mix in your seasonings so all you have to do is pour them into a pan and cook. Don’t like trying to mix pancake batter? Put your dry ingredients in a bottle then when it is time to cook, just add water and shake. Camp cooking doesn’t have to be tough!
Put lightsticks in your cooler
This one verges on being downright genius and I’m wondering why someone didn’t think of this back when I was partying in North Idaho out in the woods. Forget trying to hold the light and dig for your drink. Just throw some light sticks in the cooler and you are good to go.
Some modicum of clean is good, especially when it is time to prepare food or to eat it. Handwashing can be a challenge though, but a blue water bin and a paper towel holder can solve that problem. Honestly, I’m a big fan of these water containers think you should have a few around no matter what as I wrote in this article on storing water in your apartment in case things go really sideways in the world.
Another big bonus for this setup is that you don’t have to worry as much if your campsite has loads of water available.
Being organized is essential to not going crazy when camping with the family. Simple stuff like putting all the kitchen stuff in a hanging plastic shoe holder goes a long way towards that. It is simple, easy, and best of all you can see what is in every pocket.
Some other things you may want to take along camping
Obviously the list can go on and one, but here are a few things that you may want to consider to make going camping with the family a little easier and a lot more enjoyable.
Camping with the Family Hacks
There are some super simple trick that you can use when you take the family camping that makes the whole experience a little easier and a whole lot more fun.
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An old coffee can keeps the toilet paper dry and handy
Whether you are completely roughing it or in a campground, it is always advisable to bring along your own toilet paper. I’ve been in plenty of campground bathrooms either didn’t have toilet paper or had that really awesome single-ply toilet paper that melts if you get it the least bit wet.
An old plastic coffee can and some rope make an easy to carry and convenient toilet paper holder that will keep the paper dry and within reach!
From: Field and Stream
A 6-pack holder keeps utensils organized
As easy recycling projects go, this is right at the top. You likely have a 6-pack holder hanging around or else use it as an excuse to empty one. This way you can keep the utensils at hand, the red solo cups and markers for writing names on them all organized, and keep the napkins from blowing away.
Tissue paper box bag holder
Old plastic grocery sacks come in handy in a myriad of ways when you are camping. From acting as boot liners to keep feet dry, to bagging up garbage, they are handy and get a second use out of them. So until they completely ban them, you should always take some along. A handy way to keep them organized and not blowing around is to stuff them into a used tissue paper box.
If you just can’t bring yourself to use a tissue paper box, there area loads of options for plastic grocery bag holders over on Amazon.
No losing the soap with a soap pouch
If you are handy with a sewing machine and have some old towels that are pushing the end of their lifespan, you can sew up some pouches for soap. Personally, I like attaching a loop of rope to them. No ‘soap on a rope’ jokes, please. This way the soap isn’t slippery and does a better job of getting the dirt off.
If you suck at sewing or just don’t have the patience, you can get soap saver bags on Amazon that work about the same.
Line your tent floor with soft foam tiles
The ground is not forgiving and even if you are using sleeping pads under your beds, having some padding on the floor in your tent makes moving around in it, so much more comfortable. If you are tired of kneeling down on a rock while you are digging in your pack for something, then interlocking foam floor tiles are the thing for your tent. Is it verging on glamping? Sure, but who cares, they are awesome!
There are loads of variations of floor foam tiles on Amazon so take your pick.
Recycled bottles make breakfast easy
How do you take eggs camping and not deal with them breaking? You break them ahead of time and put them in a bottle. You can even mix in your seasonings so all you have to do is pour them into a pan and cook. Don’t like trying to mix pancake batter? Put your dry ingredients in a bottle then when it is time to cook, just add water and shake. Camp cooking doesn’t have to be tough!
Put lightsticks in your cooler
This one verges on being downright genius and I’m wondering why someone didn’t think of this back when I was partying in North Idaho out in the woods. Forget trying to hold the light and dig for your drink. Just throw some light sticks in the cooler and you are good to go.
Obviously, there are a zillion light sticks for sale on Amazon, but if you want a cool, slightly higher-tech version of this, consider stringing waterproof LED lights into your cooler!
Build a handwashing station
Some modicum of clean is good, especially when it is time to prepare food or to eat it. Handwashing can be a challenge though, but a blue water bin and a paper towel holder can solve that problem. Honestly, I’m a big fan of these water containers think you should have a few around no matter what as I wrote in this article on storing water in your apartment in case things go really sideways in the world.
Another big bonus for this setup is that you don’t have to worry as much if your campsite has loads of water available.
Shop plastic water containers on Amazon.
Keep your kitchen organized
Being organized is essential to not going crazy when camping with the family. Simple stuff like putting all the kitchen stuff in a hanging plastic shoe holder goes a long way towards that. It is simple, easy, and best of all you can see what is in every pocket.
Some other things you may want to take along camping
Obviously the list can go on and one, but here are a few things that you may want to consider to make going camping with the family a little easier and a lot more enjoyable.
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