Walking and hiking are one of the best things you can do for your body, especially as we get older. Not moving leads to more not moving, which is why you are likely reading this article. You are thinking you need to get up and move more and want to know how to get started.
As a hiker that is over 55, I’ve put together these 12 tips for getting started with hiking. Each of these will help get you ready for time on the trail, make the whole experience safer and more fun, and most importantly, help ensure that you make it home to do it again another day.
Check With Your Doctor Beforehand
Let’s face it, if your biggest hikes lately have been from your office chair to the lunch room, or your favorite comfy chair to the fridge, you might want to get a clean bill of health before taking on hiking. If nothing else, running some labs and getting a body scan isn’t a horrible way to benchmark where you are at, so you can see how you improve over time.
Hike, Evaluate, Hike Again
Starting off with too big of hikes is a great way to not only blow out your enthusiasm but your knees at the same time. If you haven’t been out moving much, start your hiking adventures with short walks with very little elevation gain.
As you finish hikes, evaluate how you feel and decide if you can do longer hikes or if you are ready for more elevation. Consistent exercise along with going on regular hikes will have you hiking some lovely trails in no time, but trying to go too far too fast will most likely put you stuck at home with an injury.
Take The Gear You Need
As you start your hiking adventures, you will need to build up the gear you need. For the first short hikes that are only 1-2 hours long, you will need only a small pack. My go-to pack for short walks is the REI Flash 18. Just big enough to hold my water bladder, first aid kit, maybe a snack, and still have room for my coat. My only complaint is that it doesn’t come set up with trekking pole loops, but a silicone twist tie in combination with the tool loop that is on the pack works well enough.
REI Flash 18 and Trekking Poles
Beyond a pack to carry everything in, you should consider some of the following items:
Extra snacks because you never know when a hike might go long, you want something to munch on while enjoying a view, or even someone is getting shaky and you need to give them an energy boost.
Plenty of water. We will talk hydration in a bit, but whatever you do, don’t leave home without water.
Navigation tools are what get you to where you want to be and then back home again. Big emphasis on the home again part. For most day hikes you can navigate with just your phone. Just be sure to download your maps for offline use, and consider using a dedicated hiking app that will show you trails. Google Maps is pretty good, but doesn’t always get it right. This year I’m testing out OnX Maps and so far it has been pretty good.
Small first aid kit with the basic essentials, but especially blister tape. As your hikes get longer, this can expand to include what you might need if there is a medical emergency and you are forced to be out all night, or several days.
Weather appropriate clothing for where and when you are hiking. I’m up here in the PNW, so some sort of rain gear is always a good idea to bring along. If you are in the desert in the summer, extra shade might be in order.
A headlamp or flashlight should always be in your pack if there is any chance you could get stuck outdoors at night. A twisted ankle on an afternoon hike can mean a slow march back to the car, but without a light, you are pretty well stuck.
A PLB (personal locator beacon) should always be in your pack. These call for help, even when there isn’t cell phone service, and are invaluable if you get off the trail and can’t get back. Some phones come equipped with these now, but you can also buy ones that connect to your phone, or are dedicated units. Whatever you do, have one and take it with you on EVERY hike.
Your preference in gear will be mostly up to you, and as your hikes progress into more difficult hikes you can add gear. Whatever you do, always take the basics though!
One of the things that people don’t realize is that as you age, your body starts retaining less water. Yes, you are literally shriveling up like an apple left out on the counter too long. What this means for hikers is that you have to pay extra attention to your hydration and make sure you are drinking enough.
As we age, we actually tend to lose our sense of thirst, so can be chronically dehydrated. On trail this can be devastating or even deadly. I suggest trying to stay as hydrated as possible in general, but then making sure you are drinking at least 8oz of water an hour that you are walking. More if you are in warm weather or exerting yourself heavily.
Electrolytes are a great thing to incorporate into your hydration plan as well. Salt mixes like those from LMNT or Re-Lyte from Redmond both taste good and give your body the salts they need to function, especially in warm weather.
What system you use is up to you. For short hikes, a stainless steel or Nalgene water bottle is fine, but as your hikes get longer and you need to pack more water, you will need to look at a system that works for you, every hiker has a little different preference on how they carry their water.
Let People Know Your Plans
Don’t be one of those people who just goes wandering off into the woods, never to be seen again, Missing 411 style. Whenever you are going out hiking, let someone know specifically where you are hiking, what your plan is, and when to call for help if you aren’t back by. Then do not deviate from that plan.
This simple item can make the difference between life and death if you wind up stranded out on the trail in bad weather.
Zombieland Rule 18: Limber Up
If for some reason you haven’t seen the movie Zombieland, Rule 18 (limber up) is always applicable when you are thinking about hiking. My take on it is that it is less important to limber up right before you hike, than it is to put in daily work to limber up, and make sure you do your maintenance after you hike.
My suggestion is to take 15 minutes each morning and do a comprehensive stretching routine, paying extra attention to your glutes and hamstrings. Doing this every day is one of the best things you can do to get ready for hiking.
After hikes, don’t forget to take care of yourself either. Some post-hike stretches, rolling out with a foam roller, or even just hitting your legs with a therapy gun can make a world of difference in how sore you are the two days after a hard hike.
Learn Your Navigation Tech
I mentioned that you should have a map on your phone for where you are going and for navigating the trail you are headed to. What is really important is that you learn how to use your tech before you head out into the woods. You don’t want to be trying to figure out how to navigate with an app under stressful conditions.
Take some time to play with all the features in whatever navigation software you choose, so you know how to find your way around.
With that being said, as you take on longer hikes, don’t forget that old school analog maps are still important to have with you, just in case the technology fails (or runs out of power.)
Trekking Poles Are Your Friend
It has taken a long time for me to get to where I like using trekking poles and I’m still not in love with them. I’ve always been pretty good on my feet and have great balance. That being said, I still take a pair with me on any of my longer hikes.
While I don’t normally find myself using them on the climbs, I have found that using them on descents makes me feel a lot more confident that I won’t slip, and at the same time takes a good bit of pressure off my knees. Knees that are usually already pretty tired from the initial climb.
When you are just starting out, you don’t need to go crazy, spending a ton of money on poles, some basic aluminum ones will be fine and get you down the trail without any issue. As you progress, you can decide what style and material best fits your style of hiking.
Know The Weather Before You Go
Just because the weather is nice right now, right here, it doesn’t mean that it will be anything near the same where you are hiking.
Check the weather for where you are going, and make sure that you know what is coming. Especially up in the hills, the weather can change far faster than you think!
Hiking Is Not A Race
When you are just starting out hiking, you will be slow. As someone who is over 50, you will be slower than the 20-somethings bopping up the trail. You will likely wind up getting passed on the trail by someone 10 years older than you who seems to be expending no effort to go uphill.
Who cares? Hiking isn’t a race.
Hike your hikes at your own pace. I know I usually plan that if a hike says it takes 2 hours, that it will be at least three for us. Partly this is because we are slow, partly because we like to stop and look at everything.
The only time your pace matters is if you need to get up a trail and back down before dark, but that is something you will learn with practice. That is why one of my first tips was to hike, test, and repeat. As you do hikes, you will learn just how fast you can go or want to go, and can plan accordingly.
Know When It Is Time To Turn Around
Not every hike is going to be a win.
Sometimes you have bit off more than you can chew, the trail conditions are worse than you thought, the weather is too bad, or you are just not feeling it. Those are when you need to call it and turn around.
It is better to call a hike over early and go home than to get in a bad situation even farther down that trail. If you make it home, you can always come back and give it a try another day!
Don’t Hike Alone
The last tip for hiking when you are over 50 is to never hike alone. Now I break this one fairly often, but I’m pretty experienced and have all the right gear for getting home. But if you are just starting out, you need to hike with a friend or a group.
Hiking with a buddy means that if something happens, there is someone to call for help. Consider the situation where you ignored the rule on hydration, get 3 miles out on the trail, get dizzy, and collapse. If there is no one there with you, who is going to call for help?
If you are short on friends who want to go hiking with you, get online and start looking for groups. In most areas there are plenty of groups that get together for hikes that you can join in with.
Final Thoughts Oh Hiking After 50
My final thought on starting hiking after the age of 50 is to not let your age be your excuse not to do it. Walking or hiking is great exercise and the best way to keep from getting stuck in a chair is to get up and keep moving.
Hiking doesn’t have to be epic, multi-day trips into the deep wilderness. You can make it what you want it to be and do it at your own pace. The big thing is to just get out there and enjoy those days on the trail.
Over 50? – 12 Things To Know Before Going Hiking
Walking and hiking are one of the best things you can do for your body, especially as we get older. Not moving leads to more not moving, which is why you are likely reading this article. You are thinking you need to get up and move more and want to know how to get started.
As a hiker that is over 55, I’ve put together these 12 tips for getting started with hiking. Each of these will help get you ready for time on the trail, make the whole experience safer and more fun, and most importantly, help ensure that you make it home to do it again another day.
Check With Your Doctor Beforehand
Let’s face it, if your biggest hikes lately have been from your office chair to the lunch room, or your favorite comfy chair to the fridge, you might want to get a clean bill of health before taking on hiking. If nothing else, running some labs and getting a body scan isn’t a horrible way to benchmark where you are at, so you can see how you improve over time.
Hike, Evaluate, Hike Again
Starting off with too big of hikes is a great way to not only blow out your enthusiasm but your knees at the same time. If you haven’t been out moving much, start your hiking adventures with short walks with very little elevation gain.
As you finish hikes, evaluate how you feel and decide if you can do longer hikes or if you are ready for more elevation. Consistent exercise along with going on regular hikes will have you hiking some lovely trails in no time, but trying to go too far too fast will most likely put you stuck at home with an injury.
Take The Gear You Need
As you start your hiking adventures, you will need to build up the gear you need. For the first short hikes that are only 1-2 hours long, you will need only a small pack. My go-to pack for short walks is the REI Flash 18. Just big enough to hold my water bladder, first aid kit, maybe a snack, and still have room for my coat. My only complaint is that it doesn’t come set up with trekking pole loops, but a silicone twist tie in combination with the tool loop that is on the pack works well enough.
Beyond a pack to carry everything in, you should consider some of the following items:
Your preference in gear will be mostly up to you, and as your hikes progress into more difficult hikes you can add gear. Whatever you do, always take the basics though!
Get My Free Day Hike Checklist Here
Hydration Is More Important Over 50
One of the things that people don’t realize is that as you age, your body starts retaining less water. Yes, you are literally shriveling up like an apple left out on the counter too long. What this means for hikers is that you have to pay extra attention to your hydration and make sure you are drinking enough.
As we age, we actually tend to lose our sense of thirst, so can be chronically dehydrated. On trail this can be devastating or even deadly. I suggest trying to stay as hydrated as possible in general, but then making sure you are drinking at least 8oz of water an hour that you are walking. More if you are in warm weather or exerting yourself heavily.
Electrolytes are a great thing to incorporate into your hydration plan as well. Salt mixes like those from LMNT or Re-Lyte from Redmond both taste good and give your body the salts they need to function, especially in warm weather.
What system you use is up to you. For short hikes, a stainless steel or Nalgene water bottle is fine, but as your hikes get longer and you need to pack more water, you will need to look at a system that works for you, every hiker has a little different preference on how they carry their water.
Let People Know Your Plans
Don’t be one of those people who just goes wandering off into the woods, never to be seen again, Missing 411 style. Whenever you are going out hiking, let someone know specifically where you are hiking, what your plan is, and when to call for help if you aren’t back by. Then do not deviate from that plan.
This simple item can make the difference between life and death if you wind up stranded out on the trail in bad weather.
Zombieland Rule 18: Limber Up
If for some reason you haven’t seen the movie Zombieland, Rule 18 (limber up) is always applicable when you are thinking about hiking. My take on it is that it is less important to limber up right before you hike, than it is to put in daily work to limber up, and make sure you do your maintenance after you hike.
My suggestion is to take 15 minutes each morning and do a comprehensive stretching routine, paying extra attention to your glutes and hamstrings. Doing this every day is one of the best things you can do to get ready for hiking.
After hikes, don’t forget to take care of yourself either. Some post-hike stretches, rolling out with a foam roller, or even just hitting your legs with a therapy gun can make a world of difference in how sore you are the two days after a hard hike.
Learn Your Navigation Tech
I mentioned that you should have a map on your phone for where you are going and for navigating the trail you are headed to. What is really important is that you learn how to use your tech before you head out into the woods. You don’t want to be trying to figure out how to navigate with an app under stressful conditions.
Take some time to play with all the features in whatever navigation software you choose, so you know how to find your way around.
With that being said, as you take on longer hikes, don’t forget that old school analog maps are still important to have with you, just in case the technology fails (or runs out of power.)
Trekking Poles Are Your Friend
It has taken a long time for me to get to where I like using trekking poles and I’m still not in love with them. I’ve always been pretty good on my feet and have great balance. That being said, I still take a pair with me on any of my longer hikes.
While I don’t normally find myself using them on the climbs, I have found that using them on descents makes me feel a lot more confident that I won’t slip, and at the same time takes a good bit of pressure off my knees. Knees that are usually already pretty tired from the initial climb.
When you are just starting out, you don’t need to go crazy, spending a ton of money on poles, some basic aluminum ones will be fine and get you down the trail without any issue. As you progress, you can decide what style and material best fits your style of hiking.
Know The Weather Before You Go
Just because the weather is nice right now, right here, it doesn’t mean that it will be anything near the same where you are hiking.
Check the weather for where you are going, and make sure that you know what is coming. Especially up in the hills, the weather can change far faster than you think!
Hiking Is Not A Race
When you are just starting out hiking, you will be slow. As someone who is over 50, you will be slower than the 20-somethings bopping up the trail. You will likely wind up getting passed on the trail by someone 10 years older than you who seems to be expending no effort to go uphill.
Who cares? Hiking isn’t a race.
Hike your hikes at your own pace. I know I usually plan that if a hike says it takes 2 hours, that it will be at least three for us. Partly this is because we are slow, partly because we like to stop and look at everything.
The only time your pace matters is if you need to get up a trail and back down before dark, but that is something you will learn with practice. That is why one of my first tips was to hike, test, and repeat. As you do hikes, you will learn just how fast you can go or want to go, and can plan accordingly.
Know When It Is Time To Turn Around
Not every hike is going to be a win.
Sometimes you have bit off more than you can chew, the trail conditions are worse than you thought, the weather is too bad, or you are just not feeling it. Those are when you need to call it and turn around.
It is better to call a hike over early and go home than to get in a bad situation even farther down that trail. If you make it home, you can always come back and give it a try another day!
Don’t Hike Alone
The last tip for hiking when you are over 50 is to never hike alone. Now I break this one fairly often, but I’m pretty experienced and have all the right gear for getting home. But if you are just starting out, you need to hike with a friend or a group.
Hiking with a buddy means that if something happens, there is someone to call for help. Consider the situation where you ignored the rule on hydration, get 3 miles out on the trail, get dizzy, and collapse. If there is no one there with you, who is going to call for help?
If you are short on friends who want to go hiking with you, get online and start looking for groups. In most areas there are plenty of groups that get together for hikes that you can join in with.
Final Thoughts Oh Hiking After 50
My final thought on starting hiking after the age of 50 is to not let your age be your excuse not to do it. Walking or hiking is great exercise and the best way to keep from getting stuck in a chair is to get up and keep moving.
Hiking doesn’t have to be epic, multi-day trips into the deep wilderness. You can make it what you want it to be and do it at your own pace. The big thing is to just get out there and enjoy those days on the trail.
Table of Contents
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